Wots new ?

so everyone who knows abt Talaash is (thankfully) excited about it.. we hav maintained our standards well πŸ™‚ [now my seniors r happy] but one question that is comin up is wots new abt Talaash.. and even if this Q isnt comin up.. am gonna bring it up because theres alot different abt Talaash that most ppl don kno abt..

for starters, the events.. we hav raised the the bar, extended the level, exceeded the expectations.. in short its better !! a brand new, original, fantastic (if i may say so) MANAGEMENT leg has been added which is a knockout events across 6 stages.. at every stage a few teams get knocked off and the final best battle it out in a management game of sorts..! a real test of theory and practice !! wid awesome funnn πŸ˜€
and at the end of it all for teh worthy winners a CASH prize.. amt which am sure ul will find inviting πŸ˜‰

the cultural events hav a mix of some golden oldies that we jus could not do away wid but hav got in some modifications to make them more interesting.. eg- teh dance will be a jugalbandi– face-off between 2 college teams !! and our treasure hunt will be a pleasant suprise !! and ofcourse there r some new novel events.. like something out of nothing (to make masterpeices from random objects sounds simple but needs vision and ingenuity) 20Q (guess the object by asking 20 questions) and walkie talkie (communicating wid a blindfold and through a walkie talkie across 2 different rooms)

so we have the crowd pullers (cultural) and the buzz makers (management) as events !! lets see whether you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed cooking these events up for YOU ! πŸ™‚ honestly, if there one thing teh OC regrets.. its not being able to take part in Talaash cuz trust us.. its awesome funn.. challenging and frankly will b a BLAST !!

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3 Comments on “Wots new ?”

  1. Punit Tharwani Says:

    n watz wit d Play/Drama dis time….Situation goan be given on stage n v gotta perfrom spontaneously ?????

    Jugalbandi seems interestin to me

  2. Natasha Says:

    na na.. not on the spot.. the elims will hav a theme and the finals will b a situation which u have to develop into a play.. it will b given before hand.. will give greater details at CL meet !! cool .. ?

  3. Punit Tharwani Says:

    Haanji….All Cool

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